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fst campaign icons social justice

Equality, justice, and freedom

1 no poverty
5 gender equality
10 reduced inequalities
16 peace justice and strong institutions

Everyone’s human rights are upheld. Communities are free from systemic inequality and injustice, discrimination, oppression, violence, and trauma, and the harms of colonization.

“We had all of that. We had freedom, the freedom to hunt. We had access to food, we had access to water. We had the ceremony, we had a song and dance, and we were there for each other. The love and the kindness, the roles that everyone played a part in. And all of that was taken away by the first colonial policies. Treaties, agreements, everything was signed as a partnership to move forward. And then those agreements weren’t honoured.” -Whitehorse, YK

“Banks and food chains are raking in record profits. And we can’t afford to buy food.” -Whitehorse, YK

“Your safety is jeopardized when people’s human rights are not being met. Because then they do things, in order to make money, in order to help support themselves and their families. … It would get rid of a lot of the crime and violence with guns, drugs, you name it – if there wasn’t a dire need.” -Halifax, NS

“A lot of folks experiencing homelessness are of Black or Indigenous descent. And a lot of folks who are suffering from periods of incarceration are of Black or Indigenous descent.” -Halifax, NS

“Every child, no matter what, would have the same opportunities.” – Halifax, NS

MeasureIndicatorData Source
Everyone is free from violence of all kindsProxy: Proportion of the population who reported being victimized in the 12 months preceding the surveyCanada Quality of Life Framework, General Social Survey – Canadian’s Safety (Victimization)
Everyone is free from discriminationProxy: Proportion of the population who self-reported discrimination or unfair treatment based on various selected characteristics, as experienced in selected settings;
Proxy: Proportion of time spent on unpaid domestic and care work
Canada Quality of Life Framework, General Social Survey Table 43-10-0061-01, CIF 10.2.1;
Statistics Canada. Table 45-10-0014-01, CIF 5.3.1
Everyone is free from judgment, stigma, and stereotypesRecommendation: Percentage of population who report no experiences of judgment, stigma, or stereotypingGap
Everyone is respected and lives in dignityRecommendation: Percentage of population who feel respected and able to live with dignityGap
Everyone has equitable access to opportunitiesRecommendation: Percentage of population who feel they have equal access to opportunities compared to others;
Proxy: Proportion of the population reporting having experienced barriers that limited access to different areas and activities in daily life in the past 12 months due to a long-term physical or mental health condition.
Canada Quality of Life Framework, Canadian Survey on Disability Table 13-10-0813-01
Freedom from wealth and income inequalityPercent share of income by decile; Gini coefficient (measures income distribution)Statistics Canada. Canadian Income Survey Table 11-10-0193-01 Statistics Canada. Canadian Income Survey Table 11-10-0134-01, CIF 10.1.1
Freedom from intergenerational trauma and the harms of colonization, including residential schoolsRecommendation: Percentage of Indigenous population who feel their communities are free from intergenerational trauma and have access to adequate healingGap

Proxy: existing indicator and data source partially fulfill the measure.
Recommendation: existing indicator and data source partially fulfill the measure.
Gap: gap for data source where it does not exist.
Magenta: existing indicator in Canadian Indicator Framework